Friday, October 28, 2011

Oh no! It's that time of year again ... cold and flu season.

Colds and influenza, ugh. We are headed into that time of year again and we all want to avoid the sneezes, sniffles, coughs, and other uncomfortable symptoms of viral infections. The most important things we all can do to protect ourselves from getting a virus, or to not pass a virus on if we end up getting sick in spite of our best efforts, are:

WASH YOUR HANDS, FREQUENTLY. Of course, touching your eyes, nose, or mouth with your hands is an easy way to allow ugly germs to get into your system. Combat the likelihood of this happening by washing your hands frequently and keeping your hands away from your face. And, most importantly, keep your hands clean. This is a good time of year to keep an alcohol based hand sanitizer with you at all times.



DON'T DOUBLE DIP. We are invited to lots of parties during this time of year where dips play a central role on the menu. Of course, since we are all working toward a more healthful lifestyle, we will only be eating healthful dips. But even more importantly, make sure you do not double dip. And know that others may have already double dipped so you might not want to eat that dip at all.

BOOST YOUR IMMUNE SYSTEM. Dr. Miles Hassell of "Good Food, Great Medicine" has some great strategies for boosting your immune system. You can find them at this website:

WebMD is another awesome resource. They have a "Cold and Flu Center" that has lots of great information. They also listed some great strategies for cold and flu prevention. Here are the websites 


Nurse Susan

Friday, October 21, 2011

WebMD Health Manager
Here is a fun and informative website that you should look at. This site has a simple health assessment tool that will give you a good picture of your current health status and information about how to improve your health based specifically on your results. Check it out:

Go to the website and click on the "Get Your Personal Health Score" section. If you need your cholesterol or any other lab values, give me a call and I will get them to you.

Take care and have a happy and healthy weekend!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Michael Pollan's "Food Rules: An Eater's Manual"

I knew I loved this book when I read the title page for "Part I" of Michael Pollan's book Food Rules: "What should I eat? (Eat food.)". In other words, stay away from the processed stuff and eat food that is fresh and simply prepared. Here is the link to his website: